This is what happens when you leave a two year old alone with his sisters headbands.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The best of times, the worst of times
These past few weeks have been some of the best in my life. Courtney is such a blessing and we love her very much already.
But the past few weeks have also been some of the worst of my life.
I was lucky enough to be among the mass amounts of people to get the H1N1 virus. I contracted it 2 weeks before Courtney was due. I have never felt so miserable in all my life. But I got through it without any complications (or so I thought).
Next C-section. It all went great except for the fact that I still had this lingering cough from the H1N1 flu and boy does it hurt when you cough with stitches. Thank heaven for pain medicine.
Then just when all seems like it is going great I develop a terrible pain in my side and shoulder. Well now comes the complications. I have pneumonia. I did not know that pneumonia was so miserable. Pain like I have never felt before!! Absolute exhaustion. Shorness of breath. It goes on. Thanks heaven again for pain medicine.
Thank heaven for my family. My mother and Daves mother have come to the rescue. I could not have done it without them. I love you ladies!!! Thanks to Dave sister Jenny for being willing to watch the kids while i have spent everyday at the doctor for one thing or another. My wonderful boy Colton has not really recovered completely from the H1N1 flu yet either. We have been to the doctor many times to try and get him healthy as well. Lets cross our fingers it is only better days from hear on out.
Thank you everyone for the help you have been. I really appreciate how everyone has pitched in and helped us through this time.
Thank you!!!
Posted by Allens at 8:02 PM 7 comments
Fall Fun
Here are some pictures from halloween and picking out the halloween pumpkin.
Too Cute!! Colton hated putting this costume on. But once on he was fine.
Posted by Allens at 7:51 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Its a girl!
Courtney Lynne Allen
Born: October 23, 2009
7 lbs 4 oz
20 inches
lots of dark soft fuzzy hair.
She is a wonderful baby.
Posted by Allens at 1:20 PM 9 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Garbage fun!
Watch out for that can. Its an angry can.
Why am I buying so many expensive toys when he gets so much enjoyment out of everyday household items.
Posted by Allens at 1:27 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Dave update
I realized that I forgot to give an update on Dave's last MRI. It was good and bad. Really mostly good because we found that the tumor has finally stabilized again and is not growing. Yea!! That really is the best news.
Bad news is that they want him to keep on the Chemo treatments for at least another 4 months. AAARRRGGGG!! The doctors want to make sure they really sock it to the silly tumor and make sure it has stopped growing.
Heres the problem. Our baby is due to arrive next month. Which means Dave will be sick and tired while i am sore and tired. What ever happened to the pregnant wife getting pampered after having a baby. Shouldn't I be able to say "honey do this and honey do that"? Shouldn't he have to help with the diapers and midnight feedings? I mean really those doctors just don't know what they are asking me to sacrifice while Dave is on Chemo.
Whew I feel better now that I have gotten that off my chest.
In all seriousness I really am very grateful that the tumor has stopped growing and I would take all the poopy diapers all the night feedings all the lack of sleep and absolute craziness that will happen with a newborn, a terrible two year old and a husband on chemo just to make sure the tumor has stopped growing. I want Dave around for a long time so he can help with the terrible teen years!! They are all his then :)
We love you all and thank you everyday for your prayers.
Posted by Allens at 3:28 PM 6 comments
A boy and his dog
A few days ago at 5:30 am I had a feeling something was different in our room. I brushed it off but then I was hearing strange noises. I listened close for awhile and realized that it sounded like Colton sucking on his binki. So I got out of bed to look. This is what I found on our bedroom floor.
I am not sure how long he had been on the floor sleeping with our dog Jake, but it was too funny.
I found him in the same place yesterday morning as well.
Gotta love him!!!
Posted by Allens at 3:11 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
Hair today, gone tommorow
Colton was in desperate need of a haircut. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Well I think the rest of the family was tired of listening to me complain about it but doing nothing. So my wonderful sister-in-law came down last Saturday and offered her hair clipper and expertise. She trimmed his hair quite nicely and he looks so cute. Although, the hair cut really makes him look like a toddler and not a cute little baby boy any more. Sad!! My little boy is growing up. Now if I could just get him to talk.
(I will try and get a better after picture)
Posted by Allens at 12:57 PM 3 comments
The Zoo
Here are some pictures from our adventures at the zoo.
My sister and her daughter Athena.Sooo tired. Colton catching some zzzzz's going home.
Posted by Allens at 12:50 PM 1 comments
Colton loves his little pool. He really likes the whale slide and would happily let you help him up it over and over and over again. Whew, this little kid gives me a workout!
He loves to play with his cousin McKenlie. Because he thinks playing involves torturing her I am not sure she really enjoys playing with him. Look how darling she is in her brown and pink polka dot suit. Cute!!
Posted by Allens at 12:36 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Here it is...
This is the picture Dave and Mike created this year at the chalk art.
I think these guys are incredible (Of course I am a little biased since I think Dave is the most wonderful man out there).
Here are some more shots while they are working hard at creating the picture.
I am sad the colors do not show up in the picture as vibrant as they do in real life. The other drawings down the street are also amazing. If you have not had the chance to go you should next year. They have lots of fun things for the kids to do as well as all the art.
Good times!!!
Posted by Allens at 8:42 AM 3 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Too cute!
Ok, I know I should have posted this long ago, so here you are.
For those who have not yet heard. Its a Girl! Isn't she cute!
Posted by Allens at 3:04 PM 4 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Dave's last MRI showed the tumor to still be growing even though he is on Chemo. This is not what anyone wants to happen so he has been changed to a different course of chemo. We will let you know how that goes.
Posted by Allens at 1:17 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
We got the results of Dave's MRI yesterday and the scan showed some new growth. The doctors want Dave to start Chemo ASAP.
This is a little troubleing because usually after treatment Dave has at least a good year before we see new growth but this came back in 5 months. Dang!!
Let's pray the Chemo will do its job again.
We will keep you posted.
Posted by Allens at 12:26 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Ok, It has been a very long time since I have posted anything. But I have a really good excuse. Lets just say I have been sick, sick, sick!!! All due to a little surprise our family will be expecting in October.
Yes, I am pregnant. Surprise!!! Believe me it was for us. After 8 years of doctors, needles, tears we were able to have Colton. What a blessing! We really thought that was it for us because we were not going to go through 8 more years of doctors, needles, tears in the small hope we could get pregnant again. We are very happy with the little bundle of energy we now have. Well somehow Colton must have kicked something into place while he was there, because without any outside help I am pregnant. I mean Dave and I were not even thinking about trying. This really did come out of the blue.
I did not believe it. I took about 6 pregnancy test before I would even call the doctor because I thought for sure they were wrong. Even after the first ultrasound at 6 weeks I was still skeptical. But at my last appointment at 10 weeks I had another ultrasound and there the baby was again. Little heartbeat and all. Wow. What a wonderful experience. I really am pregnant. I am almost 12 weeks and loving every minute of it.
I am also very sick. This baby is kicking my trash. But I couldn't be happier. I can be sick for a wonderful blessing like this.
Hopefully I will be able to post more often soon. This morning, noon and night sickness should end soon ( I hope).
Posted by Allens at 11:38 AM 7 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Pictures, pictures and more pictures
Posted by Allens at 11:11 PM 2 comments