Thursday, December 18, 2008

First Steps

This is a really old video from back in September but I wanted to post it because it was the first time Colton really walked.

I am just a procrastinator so here it is just a few months late.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fall Leaves

We had our family photo taken this fall and this is a very cute picture of Colton we wanted to share.

He loved the leaves and would not stop laughing when Grandpa threw the leaves in the air. We got alot of great photos. I will post them as soon as they get developed.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bah Humbug

Christmas Q & A

Because of the you go.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Bags all the way. I am so lazy!

2. Real tree or Artificial?

3. When do you put up the tree? Well.....last year..... never! It was great. This year right after thanksgiving.

4. When do you take the tree down?
When I get tired of thinking about it and feeling guilty that it is July and still up. haha

5. Do you like egg nog?
Ugh. That stuff is nasty.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? My quala bear.

7. Do you have a nativity scene?
yes, from willow tree.

8. Hardest person to buy for?
Dave's parents.

9. Easiest person to buy for?

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Cards, which never leave the pretty box I bought them in.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Sports stuff from my husband that he really wanted. I still love you babe!

12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
A Christmas story, elf and White Christmas'

13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas prese
nt? Not that I can think of

14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Fatboy peppermint sundae on a stick. To die for!!!

15. Clear lights or colored on the tree?

16. Favorite Christmas song?
White Christmas.

17. Travel at Christmas or stay home?

18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Nope, and I don't really want to try. Bah Humbug

19. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?

20. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
Christmas decorations before halloween.

21. Favorite ornament theme or color?
Red is one of my favs

22. Favorite food for Christmas dinner?
Green bean casserole. Seriously!

23. What do you want for Christmas this year?
Have I ever mentioned that I would like a cure for Cancer!

Ok, now it is your turn. Have fun!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

1 year old!!

I cannot believe my baby is a year old this week. We took this picture on the way home from the hospital. He looks so small. He has totally outgrown this car seat now.

I hope to have new photos soon. That way you can see how big he has gotten.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Another Tag?! (If your squeamish do not continue)

I have been tagged by a few people to do the 4th photo tag. So I went to my 4th photo folder and found my 4th photo in that folder and this is what I found:

I hesitated putting this up not only because it looks horrible, but also it brings up some really intense emotions. I remember these days. The absolute devastation of being told your husband has brain cancer. The worry through both surgeries. The helplessness of watching your husband go through so much pain and trial and not being able to help him make it all go away. The MRI's and radiation. The chemotherapy. The worst of all was when he forgot my name (its ok sweetheart I still love you). Blah, blah, blah......


Thats in the past for now. The good news is that yesterdays MRI showed no new growth. The tumor is gone and he has officially ended chemo. Yes!

I love it because he has no good excuse now for not doing the housework. He can't exploit his brain cancer any more. If he tries to give me one of his lame excuses that he is too tired or sick I can call his bluff :)

Seriously, I am very grateful for the miracle we have been given.

Here are some more pictures for your entertainment.

1 Day after surgery.

Finally home!!!

Our Dog Jake would not leave his side when he got home. He was very loving and protective of him. It is amazing how dogs know something is up.

I hope you had fun going down memory lane with me!!

Monday, October 27, 2008


There is nothing better than licking the frosting from the beater! Thanks Grandma!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Here is my confession for the day. I am so excited for the Twilight movie to come out!! My friend has rented a theater the day the movie is released and I will be going to watch it there with all her friends and family. I can't wait!!

Monday, September 29, 2008


I have been tagged. I normally don't do these things but hey, why not. I guess I need to stop being such a stick in the mud.

8 TV shows I love to watch

30 Rock
The Office
My Name is Earl
Myth busters
So you think you can dance

8 Favorite Restaurants

Johnny Carinos
Lone Star
New Dragon Dinner
Costa Vida (love the mango salsa)
Macaroni Grill
The Olive Garden

8 Things that happened to me yesterday

Got to Church late
Forgot breakfast
Had visiting teachers over
Had Home teachers over (can you tell its the end of the month:)
Played with Colton
Got ready for Monday
Cried about taking Colton to day care for the first time
Went to bed

8 things I look forward to

Seeing Colton
Fall (that crisp air and changing leaves are the best!!)
Jenny's Baby
End of Chemo for Dave
End of Daycare for Colton
Did I mention Colton
Oh, and i guess seeing Dave :)

8 things on my wish-list

Cure for Cancer
Hawaii (never gonna happen)
Being a stay at home mom
Losing 50 pounds
World Peace
French Fries that did not add back the 50 pounds i was trying to lose
Did I mention a cure for Cancer
How about a cure for Cancer :)

Monday, September 22, 2008


Dave had an MRI and doctors appointment Tuesday with the new Neuro-Oncologist at the Hunstman Cancer Institute. Dr. Glanz seemed very nice and knowledgeable about how to help Dave. He let us know that there is no reason Dave should be so tired and so sick when there are many different types of medication out there that could help with his problems. We were very excited to start the new medications in hopes of it really helping Dave out.

We had a very normal visit and Dr Glanz indicated that he was going to look at the MRI and he would be right back. When he returned we expected the normal response of "things look great and the tumor has stopped growing" but instead he dropped the bomb. He said "things look great I don't see any tumor at all". WHAT!!!!! Did he just say there was no tumor at all? Yep, he did!!!! I could not believe it. I think I asked him a dozen times if he was really sure. We have been told all along not to expect the Chemo to shrink the tumor, it would just stop it from growing any bigger. Not only did it stop the growth of the tumor but it got rid of the remaining tumor left after the surgery!!! SWEET!!!

Dr Glanz asked Dave how he felt about ending the chemo early. As you can guess Dave jumped at the chance to be done with chemo. So instead of the 12 months of chemo he will finish this month and only have 8 months of treatments. NICE!!

Now we are praying for many years of no new growth. That would be the best present ever.

The Lord really love us all and blesses us everyday!! I am so grateful for all your thoughts and prayers. We could not get through this without all your support.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Moving AGAIN!!

If all goes well, we should be moving into the South Jordan home at the end of this month. Yes!! We have been very blessed with all the family and friends who have always been there for us! Thanks you for all you do. A big thanks to Dave's family who are sacrificing so much to help us! Words cannot express the deep gratitude we have for you!

Colton is getting very close to walking!! He is very good at walking along all the furniture and will take one tiny step to you before falling into your arms. It wont be long before he is running all over the house.

Here are some new pictures of Colton.

Coltons First Basball Game

Peek a Boo

Summer Fun

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Yes it is true we have moved :( It was very sad to leave our wonderful home and fabulous neighbors. It is all for the best since Dave is going to be on Chemotherapy for another 7 months. I need all the help I can get with Colton. He is growing up so fast!!! I love watching all the new things he is learning. He has mastered the army crawl and moves like lightning speed. I will sit him down across the room and the next thing I know my computer has turned off and I look down to find him under my feet playing with power wires. Needless to say we have taken some immediate steps to Colton proof our home.
We have some good news to report from Daves last MRI. The doctor says that the tumor has stopped growing. Yeah!! This is great news to Dave who is glad the chemo is not kicking his trash for nothing.
We wanted to give a HUGE thanks to all those who helped us move. We could not have done it without all of you. We will let you know when we are in the new house.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Keeping you posted

We have decided to enter the trendy world of blogging so you can keep updated on Dave's condition and more importantly see cute new pictures of Colton. So stay tuned and we will start entering information soon.